An interesting gold miner or prospectors gold brooch, consisting of a gold spade, pick and rope, with 3 real 24 carat gold nuggets - the largest central on the handles, with smaller nuggets on the spade and pick end. The spade blade has stamped "rivets", the gold safety chain and safety pin is attached to the spade blaed. The brooch pin is also gold, but a redder colour compared to the bright gold nuggets, spade and pick. The brooch has no hallmarks, we believe the spade, pick and rope to be 18 carat, the nuggets pure 24 carat and possibly the pin is 9 carat. These brooches became popular at the turn of the 20th century, worn to advertise success in the goldfields.
A beautiful barley twist perfume bottle with gilt interior. The original glass stopper is in perfect condition. This bottle has a lovely feel in one's hand.
A "New Nautilus" novelty silver sugar sifter, complete with patent and registration number. The bowl of the sifter is a nautilus shell, the top edge of the shell has 28 pierced leaf shaped sifter holes, the shell is realistically modeled. The handle is joined to the shell at right angles, to allow ease of use during sifting. The handle has an interesting unknown pattern, not found in the book " Silver Flatware" by Pickford, it appears to be a variant of Albert pattern, and is single struck. The hallmarks are clear, the handle also has a registration number indicating the design was registered. The shell has a patent number, PAT 17124, so this design was patented as well, quite unusual for silver flatware. The nautilus is a living fossil, dating back 500 million years, it is a cephalopod named after Sailor in Greek. Nautilus shell cups decorated in silver and gold became popular in the 16th century, the nautilus became popular again in Victorian times, first as spoon warmers, this sifter design is late Victori...
A fabulous set of 6 Scottish Provincial dessert spoons in the Fiddle pattern, made by William Ferguson of Elgin, and hallmarked in Edinburgh over 3 different years between 1839 and 1841. The spoons are all engraved with original owners initial W, so clearly a set. The spoons are in excellent condition, with strong tips to the spoon bowls, with no sign of wear or use at all - no dents or scratches, these spoons must have sat in a drawer and not been used. Close examination of the 6 spoons reveals small differences in the size and shape of the bowls, shape of the Fiddle and the shape of the drop, which indicates these spoons were all made by hand. Furthermore, the spoons vary slightly in weight, the lightest is 33 grammes, the heaviest 39 grammes, they average 37 grammes, so a significant variation. The hallmarks on all 6 spoons are also very clear and well struck, they could not be better. They include makers mark WF and ELGIN, alongside Edinburgh hallmarks, 1 is for 1839, 3 for 1840 and 2 for 1841. 2 of the s...
A rare Cape silver marrow scoop, with 4 pseudo hallmarks and an unusual shaped stem. The marrow scoop is the usual shape, with a thinner and thicker scoop at either end, the stem has an unusual shape, slightly thicker in the centre, possibly to improve the grip. The scoop has 4 pseudo hallmarks, these are well struck but blurry, probably due to inferior or worn punches being used. They include pseudo date letter Gothic a, pseudo crowned leopards head town mark, pseudo duty mark with noticeable cusp to the right, and pseudo date letter B, also with cusps. No makers mark is present, and we have not seen this particular combination of marks together before. However, the only Cape silversmith who used these particular pseudo marks is Lawrence Twentyman, see Welz, Cape Silver & Silversmiths, page 155, marks 134 (capital B) and 135 (crowned leopards head, a and duty mark). In addition, a very similarly shaped Cape silver marrow scoop is depicted by Welz in the same book, page 77, centre, this example by Lawrence Tw...
A Cape silver Fiddle pattern dessert fork, with contemporary engraved initial M. The fork has excellent hallmarks, makers mark WM and the Cape Stub mark (see our articles section) consisting of 4 English pseudo hallmarks, Lion passant, date letter capital A, Georgian kings head duty mark and leopards head (town mark for London). The fork is very good quality and weight, and is suitable for use. The tines are very long, longer than usual, this fork has probably not been used. What is interesting about this Cape stub mark is that the punch is showing signs of wear, particularly the Leopards head. This lead to a mistake in Morrison (The Silversmiths and Goldsmiths of the Cape of Good Hope, 1936, pg 59), and later Heller (History of Cape Silver), where the hallmark is mistakenly drawn as an anchor (MM63 in Heller, pg 154).
A set of 12 antique Norwegian silver tablespoons, made in Bergen, Norway by the Bors family of silversmiths. The spoons are in the Fiddle and Shell pattern, and are single struck. Six spoons were made in November 1854 in 13 Loth grade by T Bors, the other 6 six spoons were made in August 1856 in higher grade 13 & 1/3 grade by Bors. The first set are heavier (average 50 grammes), better quality spoons, these are in excellent condition, the second set are lighter (average 40 grammes) and are in poorer condition. The first set are engraved with owners initials NIM on the front, the second set are prick engraved on the back with inscription and date 1856. Stylistically both sets are very similar, so can be used as a set of 12. The hallmarks on all 12 spoons are excellent, and include (first 6) 54 for 1854, 11/m for November, T.Bors maker, 13LG for 13 loth grade, and seven cannon balls (town mark for Bergen). The second 6 have 56 for 1856, 8/m for August, Bors makers mark, 13 1/3 grade mark, and seven cannon balls...
A pair of full figural Indian sterling silver souvenir spoons, with bowls decorated with Mudlavia, Kramer, Indiana. The spoons are a good weight at 30 grammes each, and very pleasing quality, The detail on these spoons is excellent, the Indian is carrying a bow and tomahawk, his feathered headrest hangs to his waist. The bowls feature the Mudlavia Hotel in Kramer, Indiana, once again the detail is excellent (one spoon bowl is very clear, the second has some wear and is not as crisp). Both spoons are clearly hallmarked "Sterling", they also have a Dutch duty mark V in shaped shield, this mark was used 1906-1953 on imported silver, so at some stage these spoons were imported into the Netherlands. No makers mark is present. The Mudlavia Hotel was a spa built in 1890 by Harry Kramer to use the natural spring water, it drew visitors from around the world until it burnt down in 1920. Today the springs are owned by Perrier for use in their bottled water. The book "Collectable Souvenir Spoons" by Wayne Bednersh desc...
An interesting set of 4 Cape silver Fiddle pattern tableforks, by Lodewyk Beck. They have no initials, although 1 fork has the remnants of an initial just visible. It appears 1 fork was made at a different time, as the hallmarks are struck differently from the other 3. The hallmarks include makers mark LB with 4 pseudo English hallmarks, including lion, duty mark, castle town mark and date letter a. What is interesting about the hallmarks is that they are all individually struck, with not too much care, both the sterling lion and the date letter have been struck upside down on one, it appears the order and orientation of hallmarks was not important to Cape silversmiths. The 4th fork, has the same hallmarks but struck further apart. Lodewyk Willem Christiaan Beck worked between 1847 and 1867, from Shortmarket street and Greenmarket Square.