Irish Gold Sweetheart Brooch - Royal Ulster Rifles
Reference: S1757
Period: George V
Year: Circa 1914
Place: Dublin
Price: $ 340.00 Weight: 3 grams Dimensions: 3.9 cm length. Condition: Excellent, perfectly preserved in original box. Enamel also perfect. Box also very good, full working order.
Description: A 9 carat gold and green enamel sweetheart brooch, for the Irish regiment the Royal Ulster Rifles. The brooch has the regimental crest of Irish winged harp below Royal crown, and motto " Quis Separabit" (Who shall separate us). It also has a shamrock and hunting horn below the harp, the detail is lovely, this is a very good quality brooch. It is mounted on original gold brooch safety pin, which is in perfect working order. It is stamped with 9CT indicating it is 9 carat gold. The original leather box with gold trim is also lovely and well preserved, even the silk lining is still good. It is marked "W.P. Lewis & Co, Goldsmiths, Successors to Pim Bros Ltd, 19 Exchequer St, Dublin", the original retailer. The Royal Ulster Rifles also served in the Anglo Boer War, so this brooch could be older than our World War 1 date, as sweetheart brooches were also popular then. As this is a high quality gold brooch, it probably would have been presented by an officer. The Royal Ulster Rifles have won 7 Victoria Crosses, 4 in India in 1858 and 3 during the Great War.
Irish Gold Sweetheart Brooch - Royal Ulster Rifles
Quis Separabit - Royal Ulster Rifles
Gold Sweetheart brooch - original box
WP Lewis Pim Bros Goldsmith Dublin
Original leather box
Back of gold sweetheart brooch
9CT - 9 carat gold hallmark
Royal ulster rifles brooch - scale