Cape Silver Snuff Box - Johannes Martinus Lotter, Colonel Frank Shuttleworth, Bedfordshire Yeomanry
Reference: S1668
Period: Victorian
Year: 1844-1879
Silversmith: Johannes Martinus Lotter
Place: Cape
Price: $ 760.00 Weight: 69 grams Dimensions: 6.5 cm* 4.0 cm*1.6cm Condition: Excellent, hinge perfect, very snug closure. Gilding good, some black spots near edges. some wear to engraving from use.
Description: A Cape silver snuff box, with an intriguing later inscription with both Bedfordshire and Boer War connections. The snuff box is rectangular with a shell thumb piece, and has typically Cape wriggle work engraving around the sides, which is worn from use. The interior is gilded, and has a later engraved inscription "Frank Pym from Frank Shuttleworth Xmas 1911". The box has a very clear JML makers mark on the lid. The box is well made, has very pleasing snug closure, very suitable for use. Frank Shuttleworth (of Old Warden, Biggleswade) was High Sherriff of Bedfordshire in 1891, he was followed by Francis Pym (of Hassells Hall, Sandy) in 1903. Shuttleworth (Colonel) raised the Bedfordshire Imperial Yeomanry in 1901 for service in the Boer War, we assume he acquired this Cape Silver snuffbox during his service in South Africa, answering the question why a Cape silver snuffbox has a Bedfordshire inscription. The Bedfordshire Yeomanry also served later in both World Wars. The Shuttleworth name today is known due to the collection of vintage aircraft at Old Warden Aerodrome (www.shuttleworth.org), unfortunately Colonel Shuttleworth's only son was killed serving in the RAF during WWII. Francis Pym (junior), or Lord Pym of Sandy, served as British MP and Foreign Secretary, he died in 2008. Colonel Shuttleworth was also depicted in Vanity Fair.
Cape silver snuff box - johannes lotter, colonel frank shuttleworth
Colonel Frank Shuttleworth - Vanity Fair
Cape silver snuff box - gilded interior
Frank Pym from Frank Shuttleworth Xmas 1911
Cape silver makers mark - Johannes Lotter