Chinese Export Silver Tablespoon - China Trade Silver, Cutshing
Reference: S1606
Period: George IV
Year: Circa 1830
Silversmith: Cutshing
Place: Canton, China
Price: $ 120.00 Weight: 65 grams Dimensions: 21.0 cm Condition: Excellent, slight wear to tip from use, no dents or scratches.
Description: A Chinese Export (or China Trade silver) silver tablespoon, with excellent pseudo hallmarks. The spoon is Fiddle pattern, and has an attractive and well engraved family crest, a Lion's head erased, which is contemporary. The hallmarks include pseudo sterling lion, pseudo crowned leopard's head, date letter "C', and pseudo Georgian duty mark. We have tentatively ascribed these marks to Cutshing, we would welcome other opinions. These marks are typical of the pseudo English marks deliberately created by Chinese silversmiths, for the export market. Cutshing are "widely recognised as producing some of the finest silver from the early China Trade period (1785-1840)" - www.chinese-export-silver.com, article on Cutshing.
Chinese Export silver spoon
Chinese Export silver - lion crest
China trade silver hallmarks