Chinese Export Silver Tablespoon - Indian Colonial Retailers Mark, Linchong
Reference: S1499
Period: George IV
Year: Circa 1830
Silversmith: Linchong
Place: Canton, China
Price: $ 180.00 Weight: 72 grams Dimensions: 22.4 cm Condition: Very good, has had scratches removed, has been polished.
Description: A highly unusual Chinese Export silver tablespoon in the Fiddle pattern, complete with "pseudo English" hallmarks, used by Linchong of Canton, alongside Indian Colonial silver hallmarks, used by R.S. of Calcutta. The hallmarks are clear, and include the pseudo lion passant, crowned leopards head, date letter L and duty mark as used by Linchong of Canton, who made silver in the Georgian style. The Indian Colonial marks include makers mark RS (unidentified) and a tallymark (No. 18, Indian Colonial Silver, Wilkinson), the tallymark is thought to identify the journeyman who completed the piece. One possible scenario is that the spoon was produced in Canton, and imported into Calcutta, India by RS, who was possibly a retailer only. We would be interested in hearing other opinions on this unusual spoon. This very spoon and it's hallmarks is depicted in the book "Indian Colonial Silver" by Wynyard Wilkinson, page 116, where the author noted the lack of connection of the marks, but did not identify the maker Linchong of Canton and it's Chinese Export origin. In his later book (The Makers of Indian Colonial Silver, 1987), Wilkinson ascribes the maker RS to Bengal (page 214), he also describes the "China Trade" (page XV), in which he notes the export of Chinese Export silver into Bombay, he also notes the presence of Chinese silversmiths in Bombay. This spoon warrants further research. Linchong is described as the "unsung Cantonese master Georgian silversmith" in an article on www.chinese-export-silver.com
Chinese Export Silver Tablespoon with Indian Colonial Retailers Marks
Chinese Export and Indian Colonial hallmarks