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Antique Silver
Cape Silver Fish Slice - Combrink
Reference: S1422
Period: George IV
Year: Circa 1825
Silversmith: Johannes Combrink
Place: Cape
Price: $ 800.00
Weight: 137 grams
Dimensions: 29.5 cm
Condition: Excellent, slight wear to tip. Occasional light scratches.

Description: A rare and attractive Cape silver fish slice with an engraved fish on the blade between a row of leaves. The blade is pierced by hand and the engraving is typically Cape including the straight and wavy dotted decoration around the edge. The blade is quite large and oval in shape, and the Fiddle pattern handle is quite short. The join between handle and blade is visible, but is clearly original as the decoration over-rides the join. The hallmarks are very clear, makers mark IC between 2 shell devices (Welz mark 26), all well struck. Cape silver fish slices are quite rare, and ones with an engraved fish even rarer. Welz (Cape Silver) mentions that Twentyman was the only Cape silversmith who added the engraved fish (now clearly incorrect), one by Twentyman is pictured in Heller (A History of Cape Silver, pg 168, plate 74). The engraved fish on the Twentyman slice is very similar in style and design to this one, we hypothesize it was engraved by the same engraver.
Cape Silver Fish Slice - Combrink
Cape silver fish slice

Cape Silver Fish Slice - Combrink
Detail fish

Cape Silver Fish Slice - Combrink

Cape Silver Fish Slice - Combrink

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