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Antique Silver
Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company
Reference: S1366
Period: Edward VII
Year: 1901
Silversmith: Elkington & Company
Place: London
Price: $ 390.00
Weight: 248 grams
Dimensions: 10.4 diameter base, 2.8 cm height
Condition: Excellent.

Description: An interesting pair of circular trencher salts, made to commemorate the coronation of Edward VII in 1902 by Elkington. The quality is superb, and they are a good weight. The salts are an exact replica of Carolean salts made in 1684, engraved "Ex Dono Edw Norman 1684" (donation of Edward Norman 1684). They have star crests, presumably that of the donor, and the crest of the "Worshipful Company of Innkeepers" (St Juliens cross sable and chevron between 3 oatsheaves) on the other side. The company, whcih still exists today, was created in 1514. The company has the original salts (a set of 12) and presumably commissioned the replicas to commemorate the coronation. The original salts are described in the article "The Old English Silver of the Innholders Company, London" by Arthur Butler (The Connoisseur Illustrated Vol 1 pg 236, Sept - Dec 1901). Butler believes they deserve "special distinction", due to their "graceful shape". The top of both salts are engraved "Edward VII, 1902", and the base is engraved 101 and 102 respectively (we assume a number of sets were made). These salts, along with the standing salt (item S 1365) were presented by the Worshipful Company of Innkeepers to Past Master W.H. Heenan Esquire in July 1902. The hallmarks on both salts are clear.
Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company
Trencher salts

Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company

Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company
Innholders Company armorial

Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company
Engraved number on base

Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company

Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company

Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company
Trencher salts with item S1365 (sold separately)

Carolean Revival Silver Trencher Salts (Pair) - Innholders Company
Inscription on stand

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