South African Military World War II Silver Identification Dog Tags (Collection of 6) - Egyptian Hallmarks, Wrist bands
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Reference: S11363
Period: George VI
Year: 1940
Place: Egypt
Price: $ 350.00 Weight: 50 grams Dimensions: 3.5 - 4 cm across Condition: Fair to good, 3 have intact chains, 2 have broken chains, 1 has no chain. 3 undamaged, 3 have missing rings or old solder repairs.
Description: A collection of 6 silver South African Military wrist identification tags (dog tags) dating back to World War II, and specifically the campaign in Egypt. They are all wrist identification tags, as 5 still have their original silver wrist chains, we are not sure if they were military issue or if they were purchased privately (we suspect the latter as they all have different designs) We believe them all to be sterling silver, 4 are clearly hallmarked with Egyptian hallmarks, the cat standard mark, and Arabic town marks and date letters (Cairo and date letter I for 1940 are present, amongst others). The 5th is hallmarked "Sterg" for sterling and makers mark HA&S (possibly Henry Allday & Son of Birmingham), and the 6th has a partial mark "ling" which we suspect was Sterling. The 6 tags are as follows: 1- "Maj. D. Macdonald Pres Cameron Highlanders" - with HA&S mark, fob chain, end loop missing. 2- "Lt W.T. Arthur Pres 193790", with ling hallmark, fob chain, end loop missing, solder repairs. 3- "SPR E. Gillespie No 229289V SA. EC", Egyptian hallmarks, intact chain, brass colour. 4- "Cpl Kotze AA 188548 D.R.", with applied Springbok "Union is Strength/ Eendrag maak Mag" circular plaque, intact chain, Egyptian hallmarks, brass colour. 5- "177751 C/E D.B. Rees" with applied artillery plaque, Egyptian hallmarks and "silver", intact chain. 6- "J.L. Van Den Berq 104948", with applied artillery plaque, Egyptian hallmarks and "silver", scratched "NELLIE" on rear, broken links, no chain. We believe the letters are religious affiliation, with Pres being Presbyterian, C/E Church of England, and D.R Dutch Reformed. SA.EC stands for South African Engineering Corps. DB Rees could possibly be Donald Bowen Rees, Transvaal Scottish regiment, died 23 November 1941, and buried in Knightsbridge, Libya.
South African Military World War II Silver Identification Dog Tags (Collection of 6) - Egyptian Hallmarks, Wrist bands
South African Military World War II Silver Identification Dog Tags
CPL Kotze Union is Strength
Egyptian silver hallmarks
South African Military World War II Silver dog tags
D.B. Rees silver tag
E. Gillespie SAEC
J.L.Van Den Berq Artillery
Major D. Macdonld Cameron Highlanders
Lieutenant W. T. Arthur silver dog tag