Scottish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle - Robert Keay, Perth
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Reference: S11194
Period: George III
Year: 1797-1825
Silversmith: Robert Keay
Place: Perth
Price: $ 170.00 Weight: 20 grams Dimensions: 15.5 cm Condition: Excellent, very slight kink in handle.
Description: A Scottish Provincial silver toddy ladle in the Celtic Pointed pattern, which was only produced in Scotland and Ireland. The ladle is lovely, long elegant handle with circular bowl, and an original engraved family crest of a crescent. The ladle has 3 hallmarks, makers mark RK in rectanglar punch, Edinburgh 3 tower town mark, and a triple cusped Georgian duty mark. We are not sure if these are official or pseudo hallmarks, the Town mark looks a little suspicious, with irregular punch on top, and it should be accompanied by the thistle and date letter if it was struck in Edinburgh. The duty mark with triple cusp is a well made punch so could be genuine, and the makers mark looks a little crude. It could be Robert Keay of Perth but sent to Edinburgh for assay, but we feel these marks are suspicious, so possibly Robert Keay using pseudo marks or another silversmith altogether. Most Robert Keay silver has his eagle mark, but he did sent some silver to Edinburgh for assay. He is known to have used a triple cusp duty mark (Turner, Scottish Provincial Silversmiths & their marks, page 85, illustration PE31), but this combination of marks is unknown. This ladle needs further research, all opinions welcome, thanks.
Scottish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle - Robert Keay, Perth
Robert Keay Perth Scottish silver hallmarks - triple cusp duty mark
cottish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle
Antique scottish silver toddy ladle
Crescent moon family crest engraved on Scottish silver
Scottish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle - Robert Keay, Perth, scale