Irish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle - STERLING Hallmark
Reference: S11137
Period: George III
Year: Circa 1820
Place: Cork
Price: $ 70.00 Weight: 25 grams Dimensions: 15.3 cm Condition: Poor, well used, old repair to bowl, circular piece let in. Solder marks clearly visible.
Description: An Irish Provincial toddy ladle in the Fiddle pattern, with original owners engraved initial H. The ladle has an old and crudely done repair to the bowl, a circular piece has been let in, the solder marks clearly visible, approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. These toddy ladles are usually Scottish in origin, but Irish examples are known, one is illustrated in the book "Celebration of Limerick Silver, page 132. The ladle is clearly hallmarked "STERLING" in rectangular punch with rounded corners, the letters irregular, so clearly a provincial "home made" punch. No makers mark is present. This sterling hallmark was used by Irish provincial makers, Cork but also Limerick, to denote the standard, these are rare items today. Given the repair we cannot recommend this ladle for use, but hopefully it is of interest to a collector researching different variations of the Sterling marks.
Irish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle - STERLING Hallmark
Irish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle
Repair to sterling silver irish provincial toddy ladle
Owners engraved initial H on provincial silver spoon
Sterling silver hallmark - Irish provincial scale