Cape Silver Soup Ladle - Lawrence Twentyman, McCarthy Family Crest
Reference: S11134
Period: George III
Year: 1818-1837
Silversmith: Lawrence Twentyman
Place: Cape
Price: $ 620.00 Weight: 224 grams Dimensions: 32 cm Condition: Very good, no repairs, some small dents and scratches to bowl from use, crest engraving excellent.
Description: A Cape silver soup ladle in the Fiddle pattern, it is quite large and of good weight, with a substantial bowl size, definitely larger than usual. In addition to it's large bowl, the handle is wider than usual, and the drop is large and rounded, more European in style than English. Overall it has a very appealing Colonial charm, quite different from English examples of the period, so probably from early in Twentyman's career, before his flatware more closely resembled English examples. The ladle has an original engraved owners crest, a running stag, the engraving also Colonial in style, the body of the stag a little too long, the engraving still crisp and clear, we really like it. The crest can be described as "Argent, a stag trippant attired and unguled", this is the South African crest of the McCarthy family (Pama, Heraldry of South African Families, page 205). The hallmarks are very clear, makers mark LT for Lawrence Twentyman, and pseudo English hallmarks (duty mark, castle town mark, and date letter C) - Welz mark 138, but in a different order. Twentyman was the most prolific of all Cape silversmiths, he had the first shop on Heerengracht (now Adderley Street) with a shop window. He worked between 1818 and 1837.
Cape Silver Soup Ladle - Lawrence Twentyman, McCarthy Family Crest
Cape silver soup ladle, McCarthy family crest stag
Cape Silver Soup Ladle - Lawrence Twentyman, McCarthy Family Crest
Lawrence Twentyman Cape silver pseudo hallmarks
Cape silver ladle - scale
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape silversmith