Chinese Export Silver Dessert Forks (2) - Sunshing
Reference: S11022
Period: George III
Year: 1790-1830
Silversmith: Sunshing
Place: Canton, China
Price: $ 180.00 Weight: 90 grams Dimensions: 17.1 cm, 16.7 cm Condition: Good, both have wear from use, and knife scratches on the back of the tines from use.
Description: Two Chinese Export silver dessert forks in the Fiddle pattern, which we have grouped together as we believe they are by the same maker, Sunshing. The forks have slightly different sizes, shape and weight, the longer fork is slightly heavier at 46 grammes. The smaller fork has engraved script initials PK, this is worn. The larger fork has a turn up end, the smaller turn down, so 2 very different interpretations of Fiddle pattern , interesting to compare. The larger fork has clear makers mark SS, with distinctive font, for Sunshing, and 3 pseudo marks, duty mark, crowned leopards head (struck upsidedown, and indistinct), and a strange lion passant (without tail), these pseudo marks are different from the ones usually used by Sunshing, the punches are also showing signs of wear. The second fork has 4 pseudo marks but no makers mark, the 4 hallmarks are those usually associated with Sunshing (pseudo lion passant, crowned leopards head, date letter C and Georgian duty mark) - see www.925-1000.com. These marks are well struck and clear.
Chinese Export Silver Dessert Forks (2) - Sunshing
Chinese export silver hallmarks, sunshing, pseudo hallmarks
Chinese Export Silver, engraved initials
Chinese Export Silver Dessert Forks (2) - Sunshing, scale