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Antique Silver
Silver Wine Labels
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Bacchanalian Pattern Silver Spoon - Bacchus, God of Wine   
Wakely & Wheeler, London 1906

A magnificent Bacchanalian pattern silevr dessert spoon, with fluted bowl. This is one of the rarest English silver flatware patterns, it was originally produced by Paul Storr. The spoon shows Bacchus, the Roman God of wine, riding a lion, whilst a topless Diana looks on, with another figure asleep at her feet. The back of the spoon is also beautifully decorated, with a masque over a theatre curtain, and tilted amphora of wine. Bunches of grapes and vine leaves complete the decoration. The spoon is extremely good quality, quite heavy to hold, sturdy enough to use as a serving spoon, and the hallmarks are clear. Bacchanalian pattern is shown in "Silver Flatware" by Pickford (pg. 127), where an identical dessert service made by Wakely and Wheeler is depicted. The pattern was originally designed by Thomas Stothard, the famous painter and designer, for Rundell, Bridge & Rundell, the Royal silversmiths, in 1812, the first service was used by King George III. The other rare patterns in the same series include Boar...

Antique Silver Georgian Wine Labels (Pair) - Madeira, Teneriffe   
Daniel Hockly, London 1810

A pair of Georgian silver wine labels, engraved "Madeira" and "Teneriffe". They are rectangular in shape, with a reeded border, and are complete with their original chains. Both are fully hallmarked, with makers mark DH for Daniel Hockly, duty mark, lion passant and date letter P for 1810. Daniel Hockly is an interesting silversmith, he started his career in London, entering a mark as a smallworker in 1810, it seems he specialised in wine labels. In 1819 he boarded a ship with his family and sailed for the Cape Colony, as part of the wave of English settlers (now known as the 1820 Settlers). He continued working as a silversmith in the Cape, he is known to have worked in Grahamstown and Graaf Reinet. His most famous work is the staff of office made for Andries Waterboer, Chief of the Griquas (Heller, Cape Silver, pg 62). It is currently in the 1820 Settlers Memorial Museum (a picture can be seen in Cape Silver by Welz, pg 94). Hockly was born in 1787, he sailed for the Cape in the ship Chapman with his wife a...

Antique Silver Georgian Wine Label - Madeira, Daniel Hockly   
Daniel Hockly, London 1810

A Georgian silver wine label, engraved "Madeira", by Daniel Hockly. The label is rectangular with a reeded border, and has its original chain. It is fully hallmarked, the hallmakrs are clear. Hockly emigrated to the Cape Colony as part of the 1820 Settlers, where he continued working as a silversmith, also using a DH makers mark. Hockly is mentioned as one of 5 wine label makers worthy of mention for the quality of their product amongst the new generation of specialists (Wine Labels, 1730-2003, pg 154)

Coronation Cast Silver Wine Label, Rum - Leslie Durbin   
Leslie Durbin, London 1953

A cast silver commemorative wine label engraved "RUM", made to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953. The label is curved rectangular shape, with central peak topped with the Royal crown, and beautiful applied lion supporters on each side. The label is lovely quality, quite heavy, a pleasure to hold. These wine labels were distributed by the wine merchants Saccone & Speed, as can be seen in the photograph of the advert (courtesy of www.steppeshillfarmantiques.com). The hallmarks are very clear, and include the coronation mark, and makers mark LGD for Leslie Durbin. Leslie Durbin was one of the most admired silversmiths of the 20th century, his silver is in the Royal collection, he was also honoured with a 1 man exhibition at the Goldsmiths hall entitled "50 Years of Silversmithing" in 1982. He produced the silver components for the Stalingrad Sword during WW II, he also designed British coinage. He apprenticed with Omar Ramsden, his students included Benney, Mellor and Robert Welsh. Durbin is a...

French Liqueur Sterling Silver Wine Labels (Set of 4) - Benedictine, Chartreuse, Cointreau, Grand Marnier   
W.J.W, United States of America 1920-1930

A set of four French liqueur sterling silver wine labels, for Benedictine, Chartreuse, Cointreau and Grand Marnier. The labels are rectangular with canted corners, the engraved names have been filled with black enamel, and the fronts have a matt finish. The labels are bordered with a zig-zag pattern, which has been engraved by hand, as it does not go all the way around the Grand Marnier and Chartreuse label, as the lettering does not leave sufficient size. The labels are attached to silver chains with eyelets. All 4 labels are clearly marked with makers mark W.J.W, and "Sterling Silver", we have not been able to identify the maker (all suggestions welcome, thanks). We believe the labels could be American from their style and hallmarks, but are open to correction, thanks. This is an interesting set, we have not seen a set specifically of French liqueurs before. Benedictine is a herbal liqueur, an interesting fact is that the Burnley miners club in Lancashire are big consumers (thanks to Lancashire regiments di...

Antique Silver Whisky Noggin or Chota Peg - Whiskey Wine Label   
J&J Maxfield Ltd, Hukin & Heath, Birmingham, London 1904, 1908

An antique silver whisky noggin, also called a Chota Peg, complete with antique silver whiskey wine label. The noggin is the traditional conical shape, with cut glass star base, glass handle and silver pouring collar and lid with thumb piece. The hallmarks are clear on both the rim and the lid. The noggin comes with a small kidney shaped wine label with original chain, engraved "Whiskey", also with clear London hallmarks for 1908 and Hukin & Heath makers mark, a respected firm. Whisky noggins were popular in Edwardian times, they contain a 1 gill (30 ml) measure, so a generous double tot, and were made to be taken to bed. They were also popular amongst British expats in India during the Raj period, where they were called "Chota Peg", or little drink, also "go to bed" drink. Joshua and John Maxfield, founded in 1855 in Sheffield, were celebrated at the Jewellers Exhibition of 1913 for "the extent and variety of novelties which they have placed on the market" Culme, Gold & Silversmiths pg 319. They had a showro...

Rare Cast Silver Commemorative Coronation Wine Label - Mulberry Wine, Unrecorded Name   
Leslie Durbin, London 1953

A rare and unique cast silver wine label, engraved with the name "Mulberry Wine", an unknown name which is not recorded in the master list of names on silver wine labels (Appendix 1, Wine Labels 1730-2003, page 385, which lists 2353 different names). Mulberry wine is generally a home made, so we imagine this label was specially commissioned. The label is curved rectangular shape, with central peak topped with the Royal crown, and beautiful applied lion supporters on each side. The label is lovely quality, quite heavy, a pleasure to hold. These wine labels were distributed by the wine merchants Saccone & Speed, as can be seen in the photograph of the advert (courtesy of www.steppeshillfarmantiques.com). The hallmarks are very clear, and include the coronation mark, and makers mark LGD for Leslie Durbin. Leslie Durbin was one of the most admired silversmiths of the 20th century, his silver is in the Royal collection, he was also honoured with a 1 man exhibition at the Goldsmiths hall entitled "50 Years of Silv...

Dutch Silver Wine Labels - Hollandia Zilversmeden, Zutphen - Whisky, Sherry - Flesenlabels   
B.W. van Eldik & A.F. van der Scheer Hollandia zilversmeden, Zutphen 1917-1950

A Pair of Dutch silver wine labels (flesenlabels), with oval centres surrounded by pierced and engraved scrolling flowers and foliage, engraved for Sherry and Whisky. The labels are cast, so a pleasing weight and quality, we have replaced the chains with good quality sterling silver chains. The labels are 2nd quality 835 standard, as indicated by the lion passant in hexagon hallmarks. Both labels have makers mark BWE interlocked in oval, for B.W. van Eldik & A.F. van der Scheer, of Hollandia Zilver smeden of Zutphen, who worked between 1917 and 1950.

Irish Silver Claret Wine Label - Benjamin Taitt   
Benjamin Taitt, Dublin C 1785

An Irish silver wine label engraved CLARET, made by Benjamin Taitt in Dublin circa 1785. The label has a curved rectangular shape, with an attractive bright cut and wiggle work border, and original chain. This particular form of label is uniquely Irish, English examples of this type curved up, only Irish labels curve down. The Claret engraving is quirky, done by hand and rougher than London examples of the time. The hallmarks are excellent, and include makers mark BT in a serrated oblong, harp crowned in a irregular shaped punch (so pre 1786) and Hibernia in an oval punch (used before 1793). A very similar label, also by Taitt, is depicted in the book Wine Labels 1730-2003, pg 279, figure 927, for W-WINE, described as circa 1785-1790 so the dates match. The same book describes Taitt as "arguably the most innovative of Irish wine label makers, a particularly successful exponent of bright-cut engraving". He made the famous balloon label, only one of which is known, pg 82, and he worked between 1775 and 1800.

Port Starboard Nautical Themed Sterling Silver Wine Label - Unrecorded Name   
David Hollander & Son, Birmingham 1957

An amusing sterling silver wine label, with the traditional PORT engraving crossed out and replaced underneath with STARBOARD, a nautical reference to the left (port) and right (starboard) sides of a boat. The label is rectangular, with a heavy gadrooned border with 4 shell motif's, so a very traditional shape. The label is stamped, has it's original silver chain and clear hallmarks for Birmingham 1957. David Hollander & Son was established in 1908, and continued to produce silver until 1975. This name of Port being replaced by Starboard is unrecorded in the master list of wine label names in the book "Wine Labels 1730-2003".

Campari Sterling Silver Wine Label   
Italy 20th Century

A lovely Campari sterling silver wine label, with a very unusual but attractive design. The label has pierced scrolls and leaves on the side and below, and 5 semi-circular half domes on top. This is a good quality label, certainly made by a master craftsman. The label has 2 hallmarks, a stamped 925 indicating sterling grade silver, and a punched STG also indicating sterling silver. Unfortunately for such a lovely label it has no town or makers mark, we are guessing Italy as based on it being a Campari label, but it could also be American? We welcome suggestions on its origin, thanks. Note - we have now acquired 2 additional wine labels in the same design, for Whisky and Gin respectively. We now believe the labels to be South African in origin, and are researching the additional hallmarks.

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