Rare Cast Silver Commemorative Coronation Wine Label - Mulberry Wine, Unrecorded Name
Reference: S1700
Period: Elizabeth II
Year: 1953
Silversmith: Leslie Durbin
Place: London
Price: $ 760.00 Weight: 30 grams Dimensions: 6.5 cm across Condition: Excellent, including original chain. Slight kink to cross above crown.
Description: A rare and unique cast silver wine label, engraved with the name "Mulberry Wine", an unknown name which is not recorded in the master list of names on silver wine labels (Appendix 1, Wine Labels 1730-2003, page 385, which lists 2353 different names). Mulberry wine is generally a home made, so we imagine this label was specially commissioned. The label is curved rectangular shape, with central peak topped with the Royal crown, and beautiful applied lion supporters on each side. The label is lovely quality, quite heavy, a pleasure to hold. These wine labels were distributed by the wine merchants Saccone & Speed, as can be seen in the photograph of the advert (courtesy of www.steppeshillfarmantiques.com). The hallmarks are very clear, and include the coronation mark, and makers mark LGD for Leslie Durbin. Leslie Durbin was one of the most admired silversmiths of the 20th century, his silver is in the Royal collection, he was also honoured with a 1 man exhibition at the Goldsmiths hall entitled "50 Years of Silversmithing" in 1982. He produced the silver components for the Stalingrad Sword during WW II, he also designed British coinage. He apprenticed with Omar Ramsden, his students included Benney, Mellor and Robert Welsh. Durbin is included as one of the top 50 British silversmiths of his era in the book "Designer British Silver 1930-1985", pgs 186-193, by Andrew & Pearson, a book we highly recommend. A set of these cast labels is included in the Pearson Collection, but with the commoner names "Claret, Sherry, Burgundy, Port, Whisky and Brandy".
Rare cast silver mulberry wine wine label - leslie durbin
Leslie Durbin, Stalingrad Sword
Leslie Durbin, Singapore silver mace
Saccone & Speed Coronation silver wine label
Lion Rampant supporter, silver wine label
Back of cast silver wine label
Leslie Durbin mulberry wine silver label
Leslie durbin makers mark, coronation hallmark
mulberry wine silver label - scale
Mulberry wine - Leslie Durbin wine label, unrecorded name
Leslie Durbin workshop sword stalingrad