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Silver Flatware
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Georgian Silver Dessert Knives (Set of 8) - Thread & Shell Pattern, William Chawner   
William Chawner, London 1832
$ 840.00

A rare surviving set of 8 Georgian silver dessert knives, in the popular Fiddle Thread and Shell pattern, with silver as opposed to steel blades. The knives are in good condition, and are suitable for use. All 8 knives have an engraved family crest of a lion with raised paws looking backwards, we see that 1 is engraved on the other side. All 8 knives are clearly hallmarked, both on the silver blades and handles, for London 1832 with makers mark WC for William Chawner II, and all the marks are clearly legible. William Chawner II was a specialist spoon maker, he was freed in 1804 and worked until his death in 1834. He was part of the famous Chawner dynasty of silversmiths, his Father, brother and son were all silversmiths, the Chawner family were one of England's dominant producers of silver flatware in the 19th century, they supplied all the leading retailers, including Hunt & Roskell, Garrards and Elkington.

Georgian Irish Silver Knife Set (12, 6 Table knives, 6 Dessert Knives) - James Les Bas, West Retailer, Hamilton Family Crest
James Le Bas, Retailer Jacob West, Dublin C 1820
$ 1 200.00

A rare surviving matched set of 12 Georgian Irish silver knives in the Fiddle, Thread and Shell pattern, 6 are table knives and 6 are dessert knives. The knives are in good condition considering their age, and are suitable for use. The steel blades are in good condition, and quite sharp, we believe these are later replacements fitted into the original silver handles, they are not marked at all. The pattern is repeated on both sides, and has shells at the top and bottom, with a scroll in the centre. We have described these as Fiddle, Thread and Shell, but have been unable to confirm this, all assistance welcome, other examples we have seen have no shell at the bottom of the handle, so perhaps this is a different pattern or an Irish variant. Both sets of six are a set, whilst both sets are the same pattern, there are a few differences, hence our description a matched set, the 2 sets of 6 were matched together at some time. The 6 table knives have no engraving, the 6 dessert knives have a beautiful engraved fam...

Cape Silver Butter Knife - William Moore, Cape Stub Hallmarks
William Moore, Cape 1840-1863
$ 260.00

A Cape silver butter knife in the Fiddle pattern, with scimitar shaped blade, and reeded border across the top of the blade. The handle has original owners engraved initials in a fancy script, possibly JCLDLV. The knife has clear Cape silver hallmarks, makers mark W.M for William Moore, and Cape silver stub mark with 4 pseudo hallmarks, lion passant, date letter A, duty mark and leopard's head town mark - see our Cape Stub article in our articles section.

South African Sterling Silver Ice Tongs - SM
SM, South Africa 1997
$ 260.00

A lovely and practical pair of South African sterling silver ice tongs, made in 1997 by silversmith SM (as yet unidentified, all assistance welcome). The tongs have cast silver grips with 3 prongs, modelled as leaves rather than the more usual lion paw or chicken feet design, and are very practical for gripping ice cubes. The bow of the tongs is decorated with a cast silver bud, and the arms are quite long, longer than tongs used for sugar cubes. The quality is very pleasing, these ice tongs are a pleasure to use. The tongs have 4 hallmarks, all clearly visible, these include S925 sterling standard mark, springbok head for South Africa, in use since 1975, makers mark SM in shield and date letter X for 1997.

Christofle Cardeilhac French Sterling Silver Salad Servers (Pair) - Sceaux Pattern
Christofle Cardeilhac, Paris 1983-1999
$ 860.00

A beautiful pair of French sterling silver salad servers in the Sceaux pattern, that carries the marks of 2 of France's greatest silversmiths - Christofle and Cardeilhac. The quality and weight of this pair is outstanding, they are a joy to use. They are the traditional shape, the fork has 3 fat tines, and both have a matched shaped cut-out where the bowls join the handles. They are double struck (pattern repeated on both sides), and they have not been engraved. The Sceaux pattern was produced by Christofle Cardeilhac between 1983 and 1999, it is similar to the classical Fiddle, Thread and Shell pattern. Cardeilhac produced a print advertisement aimed at the US market featuring the Sceaux pattern in 1983, with the tagline "Even in France only a few own Cardeilhac Sterling", this ad can be seen on Ebay. Both pieces are clearly hallmarked with 4 hallmarks in the bowls, these include 1. the Christofle makers mark (diamond punch, 3 stars with bee below, OC for Orfevre Christofle), 2. the Cardeilhac makers mark (c...

Early Georgian Rococo Silver Shell Shaped Punch Ladle - Philip Roker II
Philip Roker II, London 1752
$ 700.00

A fabulous early Georgian Rococo shell shaped punch ladle, in the shape of a conch shell. The ladle is embossed and engraved in typical Rococo style with a bird (peacock?) eating fruit (grapes and a pear), alongside a brick chimney with flames? at the top, surrounded with scrolls, shells, flowers and leaves. The shape of the shell and quality of the embossing and engraving is very pleasing. The shell is connected to the silver handle base with cast silver scrolls at right angles to the shell, the handle itself is turned wooden handle. The ladle is held hanging vertically, the the shape of the shell and pouring lip makes it very practical to use. The base of the handle is engraved with original owners initials A over T.T. The ladle is hallmarked with London hallmarks for 1752, and makers marks PR for Philip Roker II (Grimwade mark 3754). As all 4 marks are struck on a curved surface they are all unevenly struck, clear on the right but slightly obscured on the left, all visible enough but the makers mark could ...

Cape Silver Lemoen Lepel and Konfyt Fork (Orange Spoon & Preserve Fork) -Matching Pair
Cape C 1815
$ 800.00

A rare Cape Silver lemoen lepel (orange spoon) and matching konfyt fork (preserve), no sets like this one are recorded in the Cape silver reference books, but we have previously sold a similar set (S1812). Neither the spoon nor fork are hallmarked, but the style and decoration of them leave no doubt they are Cape in origin. The spoon is the traditional elegant lemoen lepel shape, with narrow, pointed boat shaped bowl, rounded drop, and triangular terminal. The matching fork has 4 tines, both feature matching traditional Cape prick engraving with a 8 pointed star. Both are punched with initials DM, we assume the original owner. Welz describes orange spoons as "probably the most attractive type of spoon made at the Cape, derived from Dutch spoons", pg. 95. He also notes that all known examples are by Cape born silversmiths of the early 19th century (so not made by the more prolific English immigrants who arrived after 1815). Heller, in his book History of Cape Silver, describes orange spoons as "exquisite". Mo...

Rare Cape Silver Fiddle & Shell Pattern Tablefork - Lawrence Twentyman (3rd. of 3)
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 290.00

A rare Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle and Shell pattern, examples are known to exist but these are regarded as rare. The fork is single struck (pattern only on the front), the shell is a lovely feature. A similar example is depicted the book "Further Researches in Cape Silver" by David Heller, page 68, plate 13, also made by Lawrence Twentyman. English versions of this pattern are also scarce, mostly made in Scotland and Newcastle, London versions are rare (Pickford, Silver Flatware, page 114). The hallmarks are clear, makers mark LT and 4 pseudo hallmarks (crowned leopard's head town mark, date letter a, duty mark and lion passant), this is mark 135 in Cape Silver by Welz. Note: We have 2 other examples of this fork, S 11435 and S 11436.

Extremely Rare Cape Silver Fiddle Thread Without Shoulders Table Fork - Lawrence Twentyman (3rd example)
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 290.00

An extremely rare Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle Thread without Shoulders pattern, this is only the 2nd time we have seen this pattern, see 2 dessert spoons S 11120 and S 11121 which we have already sold. David Heller, in his book History of Cape Silver Vol. 1, depicts a spoon in the same pattern (plate 50, page 124) and a similar 3 tined fork (Plate 61, page 146), these are the only examples we can find in the literature. The fork is double struck (pattern on both sides), and has a single thread, but notably without the usual shoulder where the bowl joins the handle. The fork also has a long drop, with an unusual curve, showing this fork was hand made. The fork is lovely quality, a pleasing weight, and is in excellent condition. The hallmarks are excellent, a variant of mark 138 in Cape Silver by Welz, Castle, date letter C, and Georgian duty mark, with makers mark LT, all well struck. We have 2 matching forks, S 11432 and S 11433. A close examination of all 3 forks shows slight differences to the dro...

Cape Silver Pointed Terminal Konfyt Fork (Preserve Fork) - Jan Lotter
Jan Lotter, Cape 1813-1817
$ 460.00

A rare pointed terminal cape silver konfyt fork (preserve fork), that matches the celebrated Cape silver lemoen lepels (orange spoons). The fork has 4 tines, pointed terminal, and traditional Cape bright cut prick engraving, two wavy lines around the edge of the handle. The spoon is clearly hallmarked with makers mark IL (Welz mark 71 in Cape Silver), and also has original owners stamped mark HB. This fork matches S11467, the matched set of konfyt fork and lemoen lepel. Jan Lotter, who was regarded by Heller in his book "History of Cape Silver" as "a highly skilled craftsman", only worked for 4 years between 1813 and 1817, so he probably died young. He made most of the prized Cape silver "lemoenlepels" (orange spoons) known to exist today, and know we know he made matching forks. He worked from 22 Keerom Street, Cape Town.

Extremely Rare Cape Silver Fiddle Thread Without Shoulders Table Fork - Lawrence Twentyman (2nd example)
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 290.00

An extremely rare Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle Thread without Shoulders pattern, this is only the 2nd time we have seen this pattern, see 2 dessert spoons S 11120 and S 11121 which we have already sold. David Heller, in his book History of Cape Silver Vol. 1, depicts a spoon in the same pattern (plate 50, page 124) and a similar 3 tined fork (Plate 61, page 146), these are the only examples we can find in the literature. The fork is double struck (pattern on both sides), and has a single thread, but notably without the usual shoulder where the bowl joins the handle. The fork also has a long drop, with an unusual curve, showing this fork was hand made. The fork is lovely quality, a pleasing weight, and is in excellent condition. The hallmarks are excellent, a variant of mark 138 in Cape Silver by Welz, Castle, date letter C, and Georgian duty mark, with makers mark LT, all well struck. We have 2 matching forks, S 11432 and S 11434. A close examination of all 3 forks shows slight differences to the dro...

Gorham Sterling Silver Strasbourg Dessert Forks (Set of 6) - 1897
Gorham, Providence, Rhode island 1897
$ 500.00

A set of 6 Gorham sterling silver dessert sized forks in the Strasbourg pattern, first launched in 1897. The forks are fabulous quality, as you would expect from Gorham, and are in excellent condition and without any monograms or engraving. The forks have 4 tines, these would be described as salad forks in the USA. The beautiful and graceful Strasbourg pattern is inspired by French rococo style, with a series of different sized scrolls, with shells on the finials and heels. Strasbourg, designed by William Codman who was Gorham's chief designer from 1891-1914, is described by Gorham as "one of the best loved of all Gorham designs", and according to Pinterest it was used on Air Force One, (U.S. Presidents aeroplane). All 6 forks are clearly hallmarked with the Gorham lion, anchor and gothic G, alongside STERLING and PAT. 1897. They also have an additional T hallmark, we believe this was used briefly by Gorham at the turn of the century, to denote a specific weight (T for Trade, H for Heavy). Gorham Corporatio...

Rare Straight Tudor Pattern Silver Sifter Ladle - George Adams, Chawner & Co.
Chawner & Co, London 1852
$ 290.00

A rare Straight Tudor pattern sifter ladle, made by Chawner & Co, the leading flatware maker of Victorian England. The ladle is fabulous quality, and in excellent condition, without engraving. The piercing in the bowl is lovely, a central flower surrounded by scrolls, changing to leaves on the side. The Straight Tudor pattern is a Gothic Revival pattern, note the omission of 2 small scroll circular projections on each side of the stem, this differentiates it from the "Tudor" pattern. The sifter ladle is clearly hallmarked, it also carries the British Registry design number and date chart diamond, which rarely occurs on silver flatware - class I for metal, date letter v for 1850. The presence of the design mark indicates that Chawner protected the design to protect it being copied. Tudor is described by Pickford (Silver Flatware page 150) as "a rare Chawner & Co pattern registered August 14th 1850, along with Straight Tudor, it appears in the Chawner Pattern book (page 218). Odd pieces may on rare occasions, ...

Cape Silver Lemoen Lepel and Konfyt Fork (Orange Spoon & Preserve Fork) - Pair, Jan Lotter
Jan Lotter, Cape 1813-1817
$ 1 150.00

A rare Cape Silver lemoen lepel (orange spoon) and matching konfyt fork (preserve), none are recorded in the Cape silver reference books, but we have previously sold a similar pair (S1812). The spoon is the traditional elegant lemoen lepel shape, with narrow, pointed boat shaped bowl, v shaped drop, and triangular terminal. The matching fork has 4 tines, both feature traditional Cape prick engraving, 2 wavy rows around the border of the handles. Both are clearly hallmarked with makers mark IL in rectangular punch with rounded corners for Jan Lotter (makers mark 71 in Cape Silver by Welz), and are also punched with initials HB, we assume the original owner. Welz describes orange spoons as "probably the most attractive type of spoon made at the Cape, derived from Dutch spoons", page 95. He also notes that all known examples are by Cape born silversmiths of the early 19th century (so not made by the more prolific English immigrants who arrived after 1815). Heller, in his book History of Cape Silver, describes or...

German Silver Biedermeier Filigree Sugar Tongs - Zum Andenken, In Memory Of
Germany C 1815-1848
$ 260.00

A beautiful and thought provoking pair of German silver sugar tongs, with the words "Zum Andenken" cast into the bow (translated "In Memory Of"). The tongs have 2 distinct parts, the top half has a strip with the words Zum Andenken between highly decorated flowers, surrounded by scrolling filigree work, the detail and amount of work is astounding, the bottom half have pressed acanthus leaves for the arms, with the tong bowls in the shape of hands holding 3 flower buds. The tongs are delicate but are in remarkably good condition, we assume the have been treasured and well looked after. The tongs have 2 hallmarks, a clear 13 for 13 Loth silver (813 grade), this was used before 1886. The second mark is small and distinct but we cannot identify it, possibly an animal head?, we assume it is either a city mark or makers mark. These tongs are probably "Memento Mori", and would have been presented at a funeral. This style of highly decorative German silver is typical of the Biedermeier period in central Europe (1815-...

Rare Tudor Pattern Silver Child's Spoon and Fork - Diamond Registration Mark
George Adams, London 1850, 1851
$ 280.00

A rare Tudor pattern Child's size spoon and fork, made by Chawner & Co, the leading flatware maker of Victorian England. They are not an exact set, the spoon was made in 1850 and is engraved with owners initials WM in flowing script, the fork was made in 1851 and is engraved with owners initials FB in Gothic capitals, but otherwise they match well and make a useful set, very suitable as a Christening present. The Tudor pattern is a Gothic Revival pattern, it has 2 small scroll circular projections on each side of the stem, this differentiates it from the "Straight Tudor" pattern. Both are clearly hallmarked, and both have a journeyman's mark - R on spoon and I on the fork. In addition, both also carries the British Registry design number and date chart diamond, which rarely occurs on silver flatware. The presence of the design mark indicates that Chawner registered the design to protect it being copied. Tudor is described by Pickford (Silver Flatware page 150) as "a rare Chawner & Co pattern registered Augus...

Rare Cape Silver Fiddle & Shell Pattern Tablefork - Lawrence Twentyman (2nd. of 3)
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 290.00

A rare Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle and Shell pattern, examples are known to exist but these are regarded as rare. The fork is single struck (pattern only on the front), the shell is a lovely feature. A similar example is depicted the book "Further Researches in Cape Silver" by David Heller, page 68, plate 13, also made by Lawrence Twentyman. English versions of this pattern are also scarce, mostly made in Scotland and Newcastle, London versions are rare (Pickford, Silver Flatware, page 114). The hallmarks are clear, makers mark LT and 4 pseudo hallmarks (crowned leopard's head town mark, date letter a, duty mark and lion passant), this is mark 135 in Cape Silver by Welz. Note: We have 2 other examples of this fork, S 11435 and S 11437.

Cape Silver Tablefork - Lawrence Twentyman
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 150.00

A Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle pattern, with very clear Cape silver pseudo hallmarks for Lawrence Twentyman. The fork is engraved with an interesting family crest, a wolf's head erased, the engraving is still clearly visible. The engraving is on the back of the fork, dating back to a time when forks were placed on the table with tines pointed down. The fork is clearly hallmarked with makers mark LT and 4 pseudo hallmarks, all struck individually, pseudo duty mark, pseudo date letter e, pseudo Edinburgh Castle town mark and bird. this is mark 131 in the book "Cape Silver and Silversmiths" by Stephan Welz, but struck in a different order. Lawrence Twentyman was the most prolific of all Cape silversmiths, he had the first shop on Heerengracht (now Adderley Street) with a shop window. He worked between 1818 and 1837.

The British Bulldog Club Sterling Silver Tablefork
Fattorini & Sons, Birmingham 1936
$ 210.00

A British Bulldog Club sterling silver trophy table fork, which is in good condition. The fork features a well modelled bulldog head, above legend "THE BRITISH BULLDOG CLUB". The fork is based on a single struck Kings pattern, but was specially commissioned by the club who wanted to present a more useful trophy than a medal. The club was established in 1892, and still operates today (although I doubt they still have such beautiful silver trophies!). The hallmarks are clear, this fork was made in Birmingham in 1936 by Fattorini & Sons, who specialized in medals and trophies. Note: We have another example of this Bulldog Club fork, S 11402.

Extremely Rare Cape Silver Fiddle Thread Without Shoulders Table Fork - Lawrence Twentyman (1st example)
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 290.00

An extremely rare Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle Thread without Shoulders pattern, this is only the 2nd time we have seen this pattern, see 2 dessert spoons S 11120 and S 11121 which we have already sold. David Heller, in his book History of Cape Silver Vol. 1, depicts a spoon in the same pattern (plate 50, page 124) and a similar 3 tined fork (Plate 61, page 146), these are the only examples we can find in the literature. The fork is double struck (pattern on both sides), and has a single thread, but notably without the usual shoulder where the bowl joins the handle. The fork also has a long drop, with an unusual curve, showing this fork was hand made. The fork is lovely quality, a pleasing weight, and is in excellent condition. The hallmarks are excellent, a variant of mark 138 in Cape Silver by Welz, Castle, date letter C, and Georgian duty mark, with makers mark LT, all well struck. We have 2 matching forks, S 11433 and S 11434. A close examination of all 3 forks shows slight differences to the dro...

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