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Chinese Export Silver Christening Mug - Dragon, Prunus, Khecheong   
Khecheong, Canton, China 1840-1870
$ 1 050.00

A typical Chinese Export silver Christening mug, richly decorated with traditional Chinese symbols, including Dragon and blossoming prunus tree, by Khecheong, one of the more prolific Chinese Export silversmiths. The mug has 3 circular embossed panels, the central one with Chinese dragon symbolising power, strength and good luck, the 2nd has a flowering Prunus blossom tree (plum or cherry), symbolising life, good health and happiness, the 3rd has flowers, buds and leaves. The remainder of the mug is finely engraved with flowers, leaves and diamond symbols, as you can see from the photographs the quality of the workmanship stands out. The handle is a curved vine, and the interior of the tapered mug is gilded. A circular patch above the dragon is plain, this is where a previous owners initials have been removed, this could be re-engraved. The base of the mug is clearly hallmarked with makers mark KHC in rectangular punch, the base also has a faint scratch engraved number, this would have been stock code used by...

Lebolt Sterling Silver Arts & Crafts Art Deco Bowl
Lebolt & Co., Chicago C 1930
$ 620.00

A beautiful Arts and Crafts hand made silver bowl in Art Deco style, made by the highly respected Chicago silversmith Lebolt & Co, who competed against the Kalo shop. The bowl is circular with a flat base, with 2 flat shaped side handles that form 2 of the 4 feet. The bowl has an applied monogram MS (in an Art Deco diamond shape) on the front, this is a common feature of Lebolt silver, which would have been commissioned for a specific owner. The exterior side of the bowl is planished (hand beaten), with the individual hammer marks giving it a wonderful texture that will glitter in candle light. The base is clearly hallmarked "LEBOLT HAND BEATEN" below the Lebolt logo of Lion holding a diamond around L, and "STERLING 464" which was probably a pattern number. Lebolt founder J. Myer Lebolt added a handwrought silversmithing department to his family's Chicago jewelry store in 1912 (source www.chicagosilver.com), it was sold from their stores in Chicago, New York and Paris. They and the Kalo Shop are remembered fo...

Sterling Silver Presidential Mint Julep Cup - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Mark J. Scearce, Shelbyville, Kentucky 1953-1961
$ 640.00

An interesting sterling silver Presidential Mint Julep cup, made by Mark J. Scearce of Shelbyville, Kentucky during the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. It is a copy of an early Kentucky silver mint julep cup, with beaded top and bottom borders, the cup is a substantial size and weight, the quality is very pleasing. This example has no engraving. The base is engraved "Mark J. Scearce, Shelbyville, Kentucky, Sterling", and has a Presidential eagle hallmark above the letters DDE, all the hallmarks are very clear. Scearce was fascinated by early coin silver mint julep cups, and started to produce these replica's during the Presidency of Harry Truman (1945-1953), they are still produced today, each with the eagle hallmark and initials of the current President. This cup has the initials DDE for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served between 1953 and 1961, so it is one of the earlier versions. As tradition goes, each new President receives one of these silver cups with their engraved initials, other famous r...

18th Century Louis XIV Style Dutch Silver Salver - The Hague, Gregorius van der Toorn
Gregorius van der Toorn, The Hague 1738
$ 1 150.00

An 18th century Dutch silver salver, in the Louis XIV style, made by Gregorius van der Toorn in The Hague (Den Haag) in 1738. The salver is of almost square form, with moulded shaped corners with shell and scroll decoration and a stepped border, and sits on 4 curved shaped feet. An almost identical shell and scroll salver decoration is depicted in the book "Dutch Silver" by M.H. Gans, page 47, where this style of decoration is dated to 1730. The salver has 4 clear hallmarks, including makers mark G.T in oval punch for Gregorius van der Toorn, this mark is very clear, even showing detail of the indented font at the top of the G and T. The remaining hallmarks include crowned lion rampant Holland standard mark (fineness 934), The Hague (Den Haag or S Gravenhage) city mark (stork holding eel below coronet), this mark with slight wear on one side, and a clear date letter Q crowned for 1738. Gregorius van der Toorn was born in 1715, and became master in 1738, the year this salver was made. He died in 1771 after a l...

Antique French Silver Christening Mug - Audusson & Vidal Mauritius
Ladoucette & Gavard, Paris 1869-1886
$ 280.00

An interesting antique French silver Christening mug, which was retailed in Mauritius, and still has it's original wooden box. The cup is baluster shaped, with no handle, and has attractive bright cut engraving, with a central cartouche engraved with original owners initials NJ in flowing script. The original cone shaped silk lined wooden box reads "Audusson & Vidal Fils, Mauritius. The cup is clearly hallmarked on the base with makers mark L&G with lamb and boathook (or gaffe) in diamond punch, an additional mark of Mercury looking left is hidden in the decoration, this is a French export mark used between 1840 and 1973. Jules Ladoucette & Pierre Gavard worked between 1869 and 1886 from 17 Rue Philippeaux in Paris. Audusson & Vidal were retailers of luxury goods in Mauritius, their name has been recorded on items ranging from clocks to postcards. Mauritius was under British rule between 1810 and 1968, but previously was a French colony from 1715-1810, and retained it's French character, hence still importing...

Italian Antique Silver Salt Cellar - Kingdom of Naples (Napoli) - 2 Different Parthenope Warranty Marks
GB, Italy 1823-1824
$ 350.00

A beautiful Italian silver salt cellar, made in the Kingdom of Naples (Napoli) or the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, at the end of the French Domination period when the Kingdom had Napoleonic rulers, the French influence can be seen in the design. The cellar has 2 parts, a circular base with intricate pierced skirting, gadrooned rim, and 3 wonderful cast feet with lion heads with rings, and paw feet, the detail is lovely. The feet are supported by curved triangular supporting bars, which contain the hallmarks. The base holds a circular gilded cellar, which can be removed for cleaning, it is held in place with a locking mechanism, 2 bars that fit into slots and then rotate to secure. In addition to the beautiful design, the quality is very pleasing, this would have been an expensive item when new. The condition is also pleasing, just a small dent to the cellar, and another dent to the skirting, salt cellars were well used and often are damaged. The base has 3 hallmarks, makers mark GB under device (all assistan...

Matthew Boulton Antique Silver Bon-Bon Dishes (Pair)
Matthew Boulton, Birmingham 1806, 1807
$ 560.00

An interesting pair of small circular dishes or pin trays, made by the most famous of all Birmingham silversmiths, Matthew Boulton. The dishes are plain except for a gadrooned border, the quality is excellent, surprisingly heavy for such small dishes. The condition is very pleasing, and there is no engraving. They are similar in shape to larger dinner plates, but with a deeper well, hence our description as dishes, we assume for a small delicacy like bon-bons, a modern version of this dish would be called a pin tray. The hallmarks on both dishes are clear, the MB makers mark has clear indentations to the punch above the M and below the B. One dish has date letter i for 1806, the second has date letter j for 1807, the earlier dish is 9 grams heavier, otherwise they are an identical pair, so we assume they were made by hand just as the date letter was changing. Matthew Boulton (1728-1809) took over his father's silver business at age 21, the first step in a remarkable career as one of the leading entrepreneurs ...

Georgian Silver Horse Racing Trophy Loving Cup - Engraved Horse
William Bennett, London 1808
$ 1 050.00

A Georgian silver loving cup which has been used as a horse racing trophy, the cup has a beautiful engraved race horse with jockey in full flight. The loving cup is the plain standard design, with a banded girdle, sitting on a banded spreading foot, with 2 scroll handles with thumb piece for easy grip, and heart shaped ends to the base of the hollow handles. The engraving is superb, and still in crisp condition, the detail of the jockey and horse racing between two posts is very pleasing. The cup is in very good condition, and has no engraving besides the horse. The Georgian hallmarks for London 1808 are clear, the makers mark WB in rectangular punch has partial wear to the W, but still legible. William Bennett worked between 1796 and 1825, he specialized in trays and salvers, but made numerous other items of hollowware as well. His mark is often confused with William Bateman, but as Bateman only entered his mark in 1815 we can be certain this cup was made by Bennett.

Late 17th Century Augsburg Silver Brandy Bowl
PL ?, Augsburg C 1690
$ 920.00

A late 17th century Augsburg silver brandy bowl, with a beautiful embossed scene in high relief. The bowl is the traditional shape, a scalloped oval dish with 2 scroll handles, with the base and sides embossed in great detail. The base features a basket of fruit, flowers and nuts in abundance, under 2 flying doves holding a laurel wreath, below rays (we assume to signify God looking down on a bountiful harvest). The sides are embossed with scrolls, the sides are also gilded, with quite a bit or original gilding still present, the base has no gilding. The bowl is clearly hallmarked with the Augsburg town mark of a pyr (pinecone), not a pineapple as sometimes described. The bowl is also hallmarked with an indistinct makers mark, we think PL (all assistance welcome), and a well defined assay scrape (zigzag).

Early Georgian Silver Lemon Strainer - Samuel Lea
Samuel Lea, London 1731
$ 660.00

An early Georgian silver lemon (or orange) strainer, distinguished by a large bowl, a simple circular pierced design with 7 circles, and solid shaped handles. The strainer is engraved with a beautiful Scottish family crest on one handle, with motto "Audeo Quid Audeo" (translated I dare what I dare), above a rampant lion crest holding a shield (possibly with unicorn) and a bust of a man wearing head dress above a Ducal crown with strawberry leaves. The 7 circular piercings all have a pattern of 7 pierced holes in the centre, and in between on the sides of the bowl, overall simple but attractive and functional. The strainer is hallmarked with 4 hallmarks in the bowl, these are partially obscured by the piercing which was done after hallmarking. The date letter Q for 1731 is still clearly visible, the lion passant and crowned leopard head are still legible, the makers mark is partially struck, but the crown above rose in a shaped punch is clearly visible, above a partial L, so we can be confident this is the mar...

Art Nouveau Jugendstil Silver Milk Jugs (Pair) - Poppy, Lutz & Weiss, Miniature Silver
Lutz & Weiss, Pforzheim C 1900
$ 350.00

A beautiful pair of Art Nouveau or Jugendstil 800 silver milk or cream jugs, decorated with applied poppies, these are very small jugs, they could almost be described as miniature. The milk jugs are baluster in shape, with a generous pouring lip, and double scroll handles, and flat bases. The interiors are gilded, we can imagine these being used with expresso coffee cups. Both jugs are clearly hallmarked with 4 hallmarks, the German Crown and Crescent mark used after 1888, makers mark LW intertwined in a shield for Lutz & Weiss, 800 standard mark and a lion passant also used by Lutz & Weiss. Lutz & Weiss Silberwarenfabriek was founded in 1882 in Pforzheim, they were an important German firm of silversmiths.

General Smuts Cup Sterling Silver Shooting Trophy
Charles S. Green & Co. Ltd, Birmingham 1939
$ 200.00

The General Smuts Cup, a sterling silver shooting trophy awarded to Captain W. Marks of Belfast in 1950. The trophy is a small circular bon-bon dish, on a raised circular foot, with irregular rim featuring scrolls. The dish has an applied silver badge of the SANRA (South African National Rifle Association), of a jumping springbok below crossed rifles, and above a laurel wreath, surrounded by engraving "Capt. W. Marks Belfast, Genl. Smuts Cup 1950". The rim of the foot is also engraved, this is very small and barely visible, it reads "M. Tiger, Bloemfontein", we assume the trophy was re-awarded at a later date. The dish is clearly hallmarked on the base for Birmingham 1939 by Charles Green & Co, given it is engraved 1950 we assume it's use was delayed by World War II. Belfast is a small town in the North East of South Africa, primarily known for coal mining and trout fishing. Field Marshal Jan Smuts (1870-1950) was the Prime Minister of South Africa during World War II, he had a strong friendship with Winston ...

Fox Family Sterling Silver Gilt Figural Cast Candlesticks (Pair) - Charles Thomas Fox, George Fox
Charles Thomas Fox & George Fox, London 1842-1849
$ 5 150.00

A fabulous near pair of cast silver gilt figural candlesticks, modelled as Roman's in togas with laurel wreaths, made by the Fox Brothers, Charles and George, important makers known for their figural pieces. The Roman figures are beautifully modelled, note the detail in the face, hair and toga folds, one arm holds the sconce, the other is raised, with the bent knee they almost appear to be dancing. The figures stand on a cast silver Rococo base, also finely decorated with swirling scrolls, incorporating a vacant cartouche for engraving of a family crest (both vacant). The sconces with acanthus leaf decoration and the original detachable nozzles (for ease of cleaning) are also all cast silver, the quality is outstanding, these would have been expensive items when new. Both the figures are securely fastened to their bases with their original bolts and screws, one is slightly loose. The quality of the gilding is also superb, with very little wear, these figures with come to life in candlelight. On close examinat...

Transvaal Scottish Regiment Sterling Silver Art Deco Trophy - Mappin & Webb
Mappin and Webb, Sheffield 1937
$ 280.00

An Art Deco Sterling silver trophy, beautifully engraved with the crest of the Transvaal Scottish Regiment, and unusually for Regimental silver, in excellent condition. The trophy stands on its original wooden base, with circular plaque with makers mark Mappin & Webb. The trophy is small but beautifully proportioned, with Art Deco handles. The engraving is also very crisp and clear, the hallmarks are also clearly visible. The Transvaal Scottish Regiment was established in 1902 at the end of the Anglo Boer war by John Murray, 7th Duke of Atholl, original members were Scottish volunteers. They served with distinction in both World Wars, including El Alamein. They still exist today, but in 2019 were renamed the Solomon Mahlangu Regiment, to reflect South Africa's freedom struggle. The regiment still wears Murray of Atholl Regimental tartan.

Early Georgian Silver Salt Cellars (Pair) - David Hennell I
David Hennell I, London 1748, 1750
$ 660.00

A pair of early Georgian circular salt cellars, made by David Hennell I, the leading mid 18th century maker of salt cellars. The cellars have undulating gadroon borders, and stand on 3 cast silver shell headed hoof feet, this was the dominant design of salt cellars from 1735-1760, along with the lion mask paw feet variant. Both cellars have original owners engraved initials (possibly PH, but this is worn through polishing). The cellars are hallmarked 2 years apart (1748 and 1750), but are identical in design, and have been a pair for a long time given the style and wear on engraved owners initials. The 1748 cellar is slightly heavier (87 vs 78 grammes), it has 3 clear hallmarks, but no makers mark. The 1750 cellar has 4 hallmarks, including makers mark DH in script under Fleur-de-Lys in shaped shield (Grimwade mark 471), the marks have some wear but are all clearly visible. David Hennell was freed in 1735, he retired in 1773 to become Deputy warden of the Goldsmiths Company, and died in 1785. He described him...

Charles II (Carolean) Restoration Period Silver Porringer - Ralph Leeke
Ralph Leeke, London 1669
$ 3 450.00

A rare Charles II Restoration period silver porringer, made by Ralph Leeke, one of the leading goldsmiths of the late 17th century, in 1669. The porringer is the traditional shape and size (noticeably larger than later examples), and is chased in high relief with a running stag and hunting hound, surrounded by bold Stuart flowers (we think daffodils and poppies), these bold flowers predate the commoner restrained acanthus decoration introduced around 1680. The porringer has the traditional cast caryatid scroll handles with faces on both sides. The flat circular base is engraved with original owners initials F/SM, the engraving has character. The porringer has 6 hallmarks on the base, crowned leopards head town mark for London, date letter Gothic M for 1669 (slight wear to top but unmistakable for 1669), Lion passant, and makers mark RL above trefoil in shaped shield struck 3 times, 2 are partially worn but still readable and 1 mark is very clear. Ralph Leeke (or Leake) has been described as "a fine 17th centu...

Antique Sterling Silver Bulldog Napkin Ring
Mappin and Webb, Sheffield 1909
$ 180.00

An antique sterling silver napkin ring with an applied cast silver bulldog, very realistically modelled, and engraved "S.A. Bull Dog Club", for South African bulldog club. The napkin ring is circular, and is clearly hallmarked with makers mark M&W for Mappin & Webb, with Sheffield hallmarks for 1909. The South African Bulldog club was formed in May 1908 and still exists today, see their Facebook page. We assume this napkin ring was commissioned by the original members as prizes.

British Military World War II Silver Chaplain's Chalice Set (Pair, sterling silver and silver plate) - Broad Arrow, Crows Foot
Hurst, Franklin & Co, London 1943
$ 540.00

A British Military World War II Silver Chaplain's Chalice Set (an identical pair, but one is sterling silver and the other is silver plate). The Chalices are a standard design dating back to the 17th century, with a semi spherical bowl, a knobbed baluster stem (designed for grip with thumb either above or below), and a circular domed foot with a rim. Both chalices are engraved with a cross, and are on the small size, so probably designed for travel. The silver plated chalice has a gilded interior, the gilding is good. Whilst both chalices appear identical, the sterling silver one is heavier (171 grams vs 142 grams for the plated version. Both chalices are clearly marked with the broad arrow (sometimes called crows foot or pheon), this mark is associated with the War Department, but has a history that dates back to Henry VIII and the establishment of the Board of Ordnance by Sir Philip Sydney, originally to mark supplies to the Royal Navy. In 1875 the symbol was listed in the Public Stores Act, and was used to...

Jean-Valentin Morel Silver Vase Shaped Sugar Basin - Morel Et Cie Londres
Jean-Valentin Morel, London 1851
$ 2 900.00

A fabulous sterling silver sugar basin, in the shape of a vase, made by the highly regarded French silversmith Jean-Valentin Morel, made during the brief period he was based in London. The sugar basin is octagonal in shape, with 8 curvilinear sides, 6 smaller panels on the sides and 2 larger panels on the front and back. the basin sits on a raised foot in the same shape, the basin also has bands on the top, base and three quarters way up. the end and side panels are also finely engraved with an architectural shield with scrolls flowers and foliage. The interior is gilded with original gilding, and overall the quality is excellent, Morel was certainly a master craftsman. The foot of the basin is engraved on the exterior "MOREL & Cie a LONDRES", it is quite unusual to see English silver branded in this way, especially on the exterior. The hallmarks are excellent, including makers mark J.V.M for Jean- Valentin Morel. "Jean-Valentin Morel (1794-1860) was born in Paris, the son of a lapidary. He began his career ...

R.A.F. Sterling Silver Napkin Ring - C.E.N.G., Gieves Ltd London
S.J. Rose & Son, London 1936
$ 220.00

A R.A.F. (Royal Air Force) Sterling Silver Napkin Ring, with applied silver RAF wings, and engraved C.E.N.G. The napkin ring is 3/4 circular but has a flat base, so it can be placed on a table without rolling. The ring is clearly hallmarked for London 1936, made by SJ Rose & Son, the ring is also engraved with retailers mark "Gieves Ltd London". Gieves (now Gieves & Hawkes) is a prestigious Savile Row Tailor, established in 1771, they hold numerous Royal Warrants, including the Queen, Duke of Edinburgh and Prince of Wales. They have long served the British Army, Royal Navy and the Royal family, clients include Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, Churchill and Charlie Chaplin. More recent clients include David Beckham, Bill Clinton and the Braun Formula 1 team (source wikipedia). Note - we have not been able to establish what C.E.N.G. stands for, all assistance welcome. It could possibly refer to Chartered Engineer.

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