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Mr. Smeatons Institution St. Andrews Silver Prize Medallion - James Annandale, Abbey Park
Mackay & Chisholm, Edinburgh 1856
$ 200.00

An interesting Scottish silver prize medallion, quite large in size, presented by Mr Smeaton's Institution in St Andrews. The front is engraved "Mr Smeaton's Institution St. Andrews July 1856", the back is engraved "To the best Essayist James Annandale". The medallion is circular, with a reeded rim, with a cast silver scroll for attachment to a chain. The medallion only has a makers mark which is clearly struck, M&C in a shaped shield for Mackay & Chisholm of Edinburgh. David James Smeaton ran a large private boarding school for about 80 boys in Abbey Park, St. Andrews, which was also described as an "Academy for young gentlemen". He was born in Fyfe in 1834, and is buried in Edinburgh. He fathered 12 children with his wife Elizabeth, his son Donald Smeaton was elected Liberal M.P. for Stirlingshire in 1906.

Chinese Export Fiddle & Shell Pattern Dessert Spoon - Cutshing
Cutshing, Canton, China C 1830
$ 230.00

A Chinese Export (or China Trade silver) silver dessert spoon, in the Fiddle and Shell pattern, which is an attractive pattern. The spoon is single struck (shell on one side only), and has engraved owners initials NSL, this is beautifully engraved in an interlocking pattern. The hallmarks are clear, and include pseudo lion passant, pseudo crowned leopard head, very clear makers mark CU co-joined, and pseudo Georgian duty mark. Cutshing is a well known China Trade silversmith who worked in the 2nd quarter of the 19th century, he used at least 3 different makers mark (he also used CUT and CU not co-joined). The Fiddle and Shell pattern is rare, most English ones come from Newcastle or Scotland. No examples of this pattern are depicted in the book Chinese Export Silver, all the examples shown are the commoner Fiddle, Thread and Shell patten.

Amy Sandheim Silver Puritan Spoon
Amy Sandheim, London 1933
$ 230.00

An interesting sterling silver Puritan spoon made by the celebrated Arts & Crafts jewellery designer and silversmith Amy Sandheim. This is a replica of a Commonwealth period (1649-1660) Puritan spoon, when the United Kingdom was run as a Republic under Oliver Cromwell, after the execution of King Charles I in 1649. The spoon has a plain rectangular stem and ovoid bowl, without adornment, reflecting the Puritanical nature of the period. The hallmarks are clear for London 1933, the AS makers mark is only lightly struck, but still clearly visible, with some scratch marks over the punch. Amy Sandheim worked between 1923 and 1943 from Notting Hill Gate, she is primarily remembered for her Arts & Crafts jewellery, where she was regarded as a pioneer, alongside Sibyl Dunlop and Dorrie Nossiter, She also made silver spoons in the Arts & Crafts style (see Artists Spoons by Simon Moore, pages 391-396), but was clearly also interested in 17th century styles.

Sterling Silver Presidential Mint Julep Cup - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Mark J. Scearce, Shelbyville, Kentucky 1953-1961
$ 640.00

An interesting sterling silver Presidential Mint Julep cup, made by Mark J. Scearce of Shelbyville, Kentucky during the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. It is a copy of an early Kentucky silver mint julep cup, with beaded top and bottom borders, the cup is a substantial size and weight, the quality is very pleasing. This example has no engraving. The base is engraved "Mark J. Scearce, Shelbyville, Kentucky, Sterling", and has a Presidential eagle hallmark above the letters DDE, all the hallmarks are very clear. Scearce was fascinated by early coin silver mint julep cups, and started to produce these replica's during the Presidency of Harry Truman (1945-1953), they are still produced today, each with the eagle hallmark and initials of the current President. This cup has the initials DDE for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served between 1953 and 1961, so it is one of the earlier versions. As tradition goes, each new President receives one of these silver cups with their engraved initials, other famous r...

Harrods Sterling Silver Slip-Top Spoon - Jam Spoon
Harrods Stores Ltd (Richard Burbridge), London 1915
$ 180.00

A very interesting Antique silver Slip-Top jam spoon, dating back to the Great War (World War I), which would have been sold exclusively by Harrod's. The spoon is a replica of an early 17th century slip top spoon, complete with a V shaped rat-tail, these spoons are also called "slipped in the stalk' and "slip-end" spoons. The slip top on this spoon almost resembles a screwdriver head, and could be used practically to open tin lids. The spoon bowl is egg shaped, we think it was originally intended for jam. The quality is very pleasing, you cannot resist picking up and using this spoon, we absolutely love it. The hallmarks are clear, and include makers mark RB for Sir Richard Burbridge, 1st Baronet, who was the Managing Director of Harrods at the time. Harrods today still describes itself as "The World's Leading Department Store". The spoon date of 1915 is interesting, probably made just before silver and other valuable resources were directed at the war effort. An identical spoon is photographed in the book "A...

Irish Provincial Silver Serving Spoon - Richard Garde, Cork, R. Cave Retailer
Richard Garde, Cork with Dublin hallmarks 1835
$ 380.00

An Irish Provincial silver serving spoon made by Richard Garde of Cork, but hallmarked in Dublin in 1835. The spoon also has a rare retailers mark "R. CAVE", who is currently classified as unknown with location unknown, but as this mark has only been seen on silver by Richard Garde we can assume he was a Cork retailer. The spoon is Fiddle pattern with a Rat-tail, which is only seen on Irish silver during this period. The spoon is engraved with original owners initials WMC in script. The hallmarks are all very clear, the retailers mark could not be better. Given it's large size we have classified this spoon as a serving spoon, but it could have been a large tablespoon - it is certainly suitable for use as a serving spoon.

Chinese Export Silver Teaspoon - Cutshing
Cutshing, Canton, China C 1830
$ 120.00

A Chinese Export silver teaspoon in the Fiddle pattern, with clear Chinese export pseudo hallmarks. The teaspoon is engraved with owners initials HH over P, the P appears much cruder than the HH, so we assume it was added earlier or later by a different engraver. The hallmarks include pseudo lion passant, pseudo crowned leopards head, pseudo date letter C (or possibly a makers mark for Cutshing) and pseudo duty mark. This mark is shown in the book Chinese Export Silver by Forbes (page 243 figure 215), where it is described as rare and unidentified, other authors have ascribed this mark as possibly Cutshing, who used a variety of different makers marks. Cutshing is "widely recognised as producing some of the finest silver from the early China Trade period (1785-1840)" - www.chinese-export-silver.com, article on Cutshing.

Hanau Silver Circular Box - Admiral Tromp Battle of Texel
B. Neresheimer & Sohne, Hanau 1893-1903
$ 400.00

An interesting Hanau silver circular box, the lid an exact copy of a famous silver Dutch medallion of 1653 by Wouter Muller commemorating the death of Admiral Maarten Tromp. The lid has rich detail, a naval engagement with two Man-of War ships at close range, with an English ship sinking in the foreground, other ships in the background, all in high relief. The inscription around the edge reads :Waarom doet Muller Tromp door kunst van gout en silverleeven: om dat hy'd yzer eew door krygsdeugd heeft verdreven, obyt den. 10 aug: 1653", translated "Why does the art of Muller make Tromp live in gold and silver? Because his valour has removed from us the age of iron. Died 10 August 1653". The circular edge of the box is decorated with putti playing musical instruments, with birds (peacocks and owls), interspersed with blank oval cartouches. The interior is gilded, so it was possibly a snuff box, but could be used on a desk or dressing table for small items (ideal for cufflinks). The base is clearly hallmarked with ...

Sterling Silver Bull-Terrier Club Prize Spoon
H. Phillips, London 1929
$ 190.00

A sterling silver trophy spoon for the Bull-Terrier Club, which would have been commissioned by the club to present a more useful trophy than a medal. The spoon is teaspoon size, the quality and condition are excellent, the front of the bowl still has it's original gilding. The spoon has a well modelled bull-terrier, surrounded by "THE BULL-TERRIER CLUB". The hallmarks, which are struck in the front of the bowl, are very clear. The Bull-Terrier collar has initials BH, we assume the artist who designed the spoon. The Bull Terrier Club of the UK still exists today, it was founded in 1887, it's website describes it as the oldest and largest of it's type in the world. I doubt they still have such beautiful silver spoon trophies!

Rare Chinese Export Dessert Spoon - Unknown Maker E
E, Canton, China 1825-1850
$ 260.00

A Chinese Export silver dessert spoon in the Fiddle pattern, by a rare unidentified maker who used a letter E makers mark. The spoon has original owners engraved initial (I or Y) in Gothic script. The hallmarks are very clear, and include a very distinctive pseudo lion passant without tail, makers mark E with a very distinctive font, pseudo crowned leopard's head and pseudo duty mark. This mark is depicted in the book "Chinese Export Silver 1785-1885 by Forbes, page 244, figure 235, which are present on an egg set. The maker E worked in the 2nd quarter of the 19th century in Canton.

Rare Cape Silver Old English Thread Tablespoon - Johannes Combrink, Cape Stub
Johannes Combrink, Cape 1814-1853
$ 230.00

A rare Cape silver tablespoon in the Old English thread pattern, we have only noted 2 examples of Cape silver in this pattern in the body of literature. The spoon is the usual Old English shape, but with a double thread around the edge, this is double struck (occurs on the front and back of the spoon). The spoon is engraved with original owners initials IM in script. The spoon is hallmarked with makers mark IC, the mark is slightly blurred, we assume the punch was worn when it was struck. The spoon is also hallmarked with the "Cape Stub", 4 pseudo - English hallmarks (lion passant, date letter, duty mark and leopard's head) struck mechanically in a fly press (see article on Cape Stub in "The Finial, 2007, and in the articles tab above), these marks have some wear but are still clearly visible. We believe this spoon was made by hand, you can see differences in how the thread has been applied. Please note our condition report, this spoon has been well used. David Heller, in his book "History of Cape Silver Vol....

Sterling Silver Apostle Spoon Set (Set of 13) - South African Guild of Silversmiths
South African Guild of Silversmiths, Cape 1978
$ 800.00

A set of 13 sterling silver Apostle spoons, with finials plated in 24 carat gold, authentic replicas of 15th century originals, inspired by sculptures on Chartres Cathedral, France. They include: The Master, St. Peter, St. John, St. Matthew, St. Andrew, St. Philip, St. Jude, St. James the Greater, St. James the Less, St. Matthias, St. Simon, St. Thomas, and St. Bartholomew. The Apostles are well modeled, with lovely detail, as can be seen from the photographs. For example, St. Peter has keys, St. Simon a saw, St Andrew a cross, St. Jude a carpenters square, and St. John the cup of sorrow. The spoons are from a set (no 129), issued by South African Guild of Silversmiths in 1978, limited to 2000 sets. The hallmarks are clear, and include maker mark for the South African Guild of Silversmiths, STG for Sterling silver, antelope head for South Africa, and date letter E for 1978. All the spoons have the Apostle's name engraved on the stem. They come complete with original signed certificate of authenticity, and t...

Cape Silver Lemoen Lepel and Konfyt Fork (Orange Spoon & Preserve Fork) -Matching Pair
Cape C 1815
$ 800.00

A rare Cape Silver lemoen lepel (orange spoon) and matching konfyt fork (preserve), no sets like this one are recorded in the Cape silver reference books, but we have previously sold a similar set (S1812). Neither the spoon nor fork are hallmarked, but the style and decoration of them leave no doubt they are Cape in origin. The spoon is the traditional elegant lemoen lepel shape, with narrow, pointed boat shaped bowl, rounded drop, and triangular terminal. The matching fork has 4 tines, both feature matching traditional Cape prick engraving with a 8 pointed star. Both are punched with initials DM, we assume the original owner. Welz describes orange spoons as "probably the most attractive type of spoon made at the Cape, derived from Dutch spoons", pg. 95. He also notes that all known examples are by Cape born silversmiths of the early 19th century (so not made by the more prolific English immigrants who arrived after 1815). Heller, in his book History of Cape Silver, describes orange spoons as "exquisite". Mo...

Rare Cape Silver Fiddle & Shell Pattern Tablefork - Lawrence Twentyman (3rd. of 3)
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 290.00

A rare Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle and Shell pattern, examples are known to exist but these are regarded as rare. The fork is single struck (pattern only on the front), the shell is a lovely feature. A similar example is depicted the book "Further Researches in Cape Silver" by David Heller, page 68, plate 13, also made by Lawrence Twentyman. English versions of this pattern are also scarce, mostly made in Scotland and Newcastle, London versions are rare (Pickford, Silver Flatware, page 114). The hallmarks are clear, makers mark LT and 4 pseudo hallmarks (crowned leopard's head town mark, date letter a, duty mark and lion passant), this is mark 135 in Cape Silver by Welz. Note: We have 2 other examples of this fork, S 11435 and S 11436.

Extremely Rare Cape Silver Fiddle Thread Without Shoulders Table Fork - Lawrence Twentyman (3rd example)
Lawrence Twentyman, Cape 1818-1837
$ 290.00

An extremely rare Cape silver table fork in the Fiddle Thread without Shoulders pattern, this is only the 2nd time we have seen this pattern, see 2 dessert spoons S 11120 and S 11121 which we have already sold. David Heller, in his book History of Cape Silver Vol. 1, depicts a spoon in the same pattern (plate 50, page 124) and a similar 3 tined fork (Plate 61, page 146), these are the only examples we can find in the literature. The fork is double struck (pattern on both sides), and has a single thread, but notably without the usual shoulder where the bowl joins the handle. The fork also has a long drop, with an unusual curve, showing this fork was hand made. The fork is lovely quality, a pleasing weight, and is in excellent condition. The hallmarks are excellent, a variant of mark 138 in Cape Silver by Welz, Castle, date letter C, and Georgian duty mark, with makers mark LT, all well struck. We have 2 matching forks, S 11432 and S 11433. A close examination of all 3 forks shows slight differences to the dro...

Rare Cape Silver Old English Thread Tablespoons (Pair) - Johannes Combrink, Cape Stub
Johannes Combrink, Cape 1814-1853
$ 460.00

A rare pair of Cape silver tablespoons in the Old English thread pattern, we have only noted 2 examples of Cape silver in this pattern in the body of literature. The spoons are the usual Old English shape, but with a double thread around the edge, this is double struck (occurs on the front and back of the spoons). Both spoons are engraved with original owners initials IM in script. Both spoons are hallmarked with makers mark IC, the marks are slightly blurred, we assume the punch was worn when they were struck. The spoons are also hallmarked with the "Cape Stub", 4 pseudo - English hallmarks (lion passant, date letter, duty mark and leopard's head) struck mechanically in a fly press (see article on Cape Stub in "The Finial, 2007, and in the articles tab above), these marks have some wear but are still clearly visible. We believe these spoons were made by hand, you can see differences in how the thread has been applied, and the 2 spoons, whilst the same size, have very different weights (one is 74 grams, the s...

Antique Silver Figural Punch & Judy Spoon Set (2 Serving Spoons and Sifter Ladle)
Horace Woodward & Co Ltd, London 1895
$ 1 450.00

A fabulous set of 2 serving spoons with matching sifter ladle, with magnificent cast terminals featuring Mr. Punch with truncheon, jesters hat and humpback, and Judy his wife, holding the baby, the 3rd character is Toby the dog, complete with ruff and feathered hat. The cast figures sit on a seal top pedestal, the spiral twist handles are hollow, with a central ball grip, joined to the bowls with acanthus leaf drops. The serving spoons have oval shaped bowls, please note the spoon bowls have been re-gilded. The sifter bowl has scroll, diamond and circular piercing, the original gilding both inside and outside the bowl is still in pristine condition. Overall these are fine quality spoons, amongst the best figural castings we have seen on a spoon, we love these spoons. All 3 spoons are clearly hallmarked for London 1895 by Horace Woodward & Co. Ltd, they worked between 1875 and 1916, primarily from Birmingham but also from Hatton Gardens, London. In addition both serving spoon bowls have pattern number 9685 on ...

Rare Cape Silver Tablespoon M.I.V. - Unknown Maker (2 of 2)
M.I.V., Cape C 1820
$ 260.00

A rare Cape silver tablespoon by unknown maker M.I.V., with a good makers mark. The spoon is Fiddle pattern, in good condition but with wear to the tip from use, and no engraving. The makers mark M.I.V. is fairly well struck but slightly worn, note the specific placing of the dots (first 2 higher than last). This is makers mark 178 in Cape Silver by Welz (page 158), where the specific placing of the dots is clearly illustrated. This mark is also recorded by Heller in Further Researches in Cape Silver Vol. 11, mark N.M.M 56, page 126, also with the unusually placed dots clearly illustrated. Note - We have a second example of this spoon, with a slightly clearer makers mark, see S 11464.

Victorian Silver Aesthetic Movement Sifter Ladle - Edward Barnard & Sons
Edward Barnard & Sons, London 1881
$ 200.00

A beautiful Victorian silver sifter ladle in the style of the Aesthetic Movement, made by the important firm of Silversmiths Edward Barnard & Sons. The quality and condition are outstanding, the bowl has a pattern of 2 different types of leaves, each individually pierced and engraved by hand, clearly by a master craftsman. The bowl, which is gilded on the interior, also has a wreath around the edge, with the leaves and wreath repeated on the handle, the wreath forming a cartouche which has not been engraved. The hallmarks for London 1881 are clear, as is makers mark WBJ in shaped shield for Walter & John Barnard, who ran the firm between 1877 and 1895. Edward Barnard & Sons are the oldest manufacturing silversmiths in the world, having been founded in 1680 by Anthony Nelme, they still operate today as a subsidiary of Padgett & Braham (source Directory of Gold & Silversmiths, John Culme, page 29). The Aesthetic Movement flourished in the period 1865 - 1885, after the International Exhibition in London led to a...

Cape Silver Pointed Terminal Konfyt Fork (Preserve Fork) - Jan Lotter
Jan Lotter, Cape 1813-1817
$ 460.00

A rare pointed terminal cape silver konfyt fork (preserve fork), that matches the celebrated Cape silver lemoen lepels (orange spoons). The fork has 4 tines, pointed terminal, and traditional Cape bright cut prick engraving, two wavy lines around the edge of the handle. The spoon is clearly hallmarked with makers mark IL (Welz mark 71 in Cape Silver), and also has original owners stamped mark HB. This fork matches S11467, the matched set of konfyt fork and lemoen lepel. Jan Lotter, who was regarded by Heller in his book "History of Cape Silver" as "a highly skilled craftsman", only worked for 4 years between 1813 and 1817, so he probably died young. He made most of the prized Cape silver "lemoenlepels" (orange spoons) known to exist today, and know we know he made matching forks. He worked from 22 Keerom Street, Cape Town.

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