Cape Silver Tableforks (Set of 4) - Lodewyk Beck
Reference: S1658
Period: Victorian
Year: 1847-1867
Silversmith: Lodewyk Beck
Place: Cape
Price: $ 420.00 Weight: 230 grams Dimensions: 20.9 cm Condition: Good, knife scratches on back of tines from use, wear to tines from use.
Description: An interesting set of 4 Cape silver Fiddle pattern tableforks, by Lodewyk Beck. They have no initials, although 1 fork has the remnants of an initial just visible. It appears 1 fork was made at a different time, as the hallmarks are struck differently from the other 3. The hallmarks include makers mark LB with 4 pseudo English hallmarks, including lion, duty mark, castle town mark and date letter a. What is interesting about the hallmarks is that they are all individually struck, with not too much care, both the sterling lion and the date letter have been struck upside down on one, it appears the order and orientation of hallmarks was not important to Cape silversmiths. The 4th fork, has the same hallmarks but struck further apart. Lodewyk Willem Christiaan Beck worked between 1847 and 1867, from Shortmarket street and Greenmarket Square.
Cape silver table forks - Lodewyk Beck
Cape silver forks
Back of Cape silver forks - cape silver hallmarks
Cape silver pseudo hallmarks - Lodewyk Beck
Cape silver - scale